BCH 512: DEVELOPMENTAL GENOMICS - Week 6- Oct. 8 & 15

Instructor:  Marc Halfon

E-mail: mshalfon@buffalo.edu

Topic: Dorsal-Ventral development, continued


 THERE WILL BE NO LIVE CLASS ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 13. I have assigned a review article that will fill in some gaps about dorsal-ventral patterning, and I might post a short review video lecture (see UBlearns). LIVE CLASS WILL RESUME ON THURSDAY OCTOBER 15 WITH DISCUSSION OF THE ANDREU ET AL. PAPER


Assigned reading:


You can download the Figures/Tables template here.


Oct 8: Stein et al. 1991


Oct 13/15: Andreu et al. 2012. Yes, even in 2012 there were more details to be discovered...

also read Stein and Stevens 2014. Read this review article thoroughly, but you do not need to fill out the Figure Facts template. We won't discuss this as much but it will fill in the gaps from what we didn't read as primary research papers.


supplemental figure 1

supplemental figure 2


Recommended reading:


Wolpert, "Principles of Development," Chapter 2.

A brief, but very clear and up-to-date treatment of pattern formation in Drosophila.


Gilbert, "Developmental Biology," Chapter 9.

A more in-depth treatment than that found in Wolpert; more detail than we'll cover in class, but worth the read.




Slides and lecture notes: will be posted here following class


Web resources: